What We Believe
We are a Global Methodist Church who believes...

That the one God-the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit has created all things, and that Jesus Christ through the power of his death on the cross and his resurrection, is the Lord and Savior of all those who earnestly repent of their sins and believe in him. And that the Holy Spirit empowers the people of his church to worship and praise God and to proclaim the gospel throughout the world in word and deed. This includes unity around the authority of Scripture and the classical confessions of the Christian faith as expressed in the Apostles' Creed, and in the historic ethical standards that derive from them. 

We are a part of the Global Methodist Church...
We belong to the South Georgia Annual Conference of the Global Methodist Church.

For information on the South Georgia Annual Conference of the Global Methodist Church, follow this link...



For information on the Global Methodist Church, follow this link...
