If You're New, Let Us Help...
Here's Some Helpful Information for First-Time Vistors!

Here are the answers to some questions you may have: 

  • What is worship like?

We're a church that has a traditional style of worship with music that includes hymns and special music from our choir. You can expect to hear a sermon that is grounded in scripture with application to your daily life. You can also expect a warm welcome from a loving congregation. Check out our livestream on FaceBook or YouTube to see a service.

  • What do you believe?

We're part of the Global Methodist Church. See the "Our Beliefs" page to find out more.

  • What about my kids?

We don't have children's church during worship at this time, but have an activity bag to keep the younger children occupied.

  • Where do I park?

There's plenty of parking at the church in our lot at the corner of Waters Avenue and Cornell Street.

  • What do I wear?

You might see a wide range of how folks dress...wear what you're comfortable in!

  • How can I get connected?

We'd love to get your name if you're a first time vistor and jot it down. There are lots of friendly people to answer questions.  Fill out the "Connect With Us" card at the bottom of this page and we'll reach out to you with the information you need.


11 am Worship Service Highlights Preview//February 16, 2025 

  • Introit: O Magnify the Lord (Choir)
  • Call to Worship: God of Grace and God of Glory
  • Call to Prayer: Take Up Thy Cross
  • Offertory: Bless Thou the Gifts
  • Special Music: How Majestic is Your Name (Choir)
  • Sermon: The Four Calls of Christ (Series)//This Week: Purpose (Rev. Mike Miller)
  • Response to the Word: O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee


Connect With Us!

Tell us in the "Message" section how we can help...do you want to visit Sunday and have questions? Do you need more information? Do you want to serve? Anything at all, just ask here!

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